Friday, February 24, 2012

Friend to Friend Friday

I found this great Christ centered web page for moms, "Manna for Moms" by Megan Breedlove.  Go over and visit her.  She is truly a blessing.  Here is an example of a devotional she wrote about "housework"

Of course the above saying is from me.  I thought is was funny  :)


Originally published on December 27, 2010.
By Megan Breedlove
Housecleaning doesn’t top my list of favorite activities. For one thing, I find it sometimes frustrating that the same work has to be done over and over. For another, I just don’t get that excited about cleaning bathrooms.
One particular day when I there was a lot of housework to be done, I found myself resenting all the tasks. I don’t remember whether or not I was grumbling out loud, but I was certainly grumbling in my spirit.
It was then that God spoke to my resentful spirit. You can choose how to look at this, He said. You can see this housework as cause for resentment, or as a blessing.
A blessing? I thought. How?
As I continued to meditate on the idea, God began to open my eyes to exactly what He meant. Once I really grasped what He was trying to say to me, my whole perspective on housework changed. I still don’t look forward to doing dishes or mopping floors, but I now know how to choose to be thankful for the privilege of doing these tasks instead of resentful at the burden they place upon me.
I offer you the poem I wrote at that time to put into words what God had taught me. I hope it will not only encourage you, but also help you renew your mind (Romans 12:2) in this area of your life.
Dear Lord, Your Word says ‘don’t complain’; I know that this is true.
But when it comes to housework or chores I don’t want to do,
It’s easy to resent the things to which I must give time.
“Taking up my cross” isn’t always what I have in mind.
But Lord, you have been teaching me to see the way You see,
To realize that my household tasks are blessings You gave me.
And so, I choose to give You thanks for all I have to do,
Knowing that the privilege of doing it’s from You.
Thank You for the laundry dropped in piles upon the floor,
And for the dirty pairs of shoes left right inside the door.
Thank You for the shirts and socks and coats flung everywhere,
For OxiClean and Shout and Tide—it means we’ve clothes to wear.
Dirty cups and dishes clutter countertops and sink.
I sure hope no one’s hungry; I hope no one needs a drink.
If it could all just wash itself, it would be such a treat.
But thanks for dirty dishes, too—it means we’ve food to eat.
Thank You for the sink and floor and toilet I must scrub,
And for my nice, hot shower; and I won’t leave out the tub.
Thank You for the mirror and wet towels I know are coming.
I’m grateful for this bathroom; it means we’ve indoor plumbing.
The messiness of games and toys and books covers our floors.
And did I mention dolls and blocks and drawings taped on doors?
Sometimes, I think I’ve seen my fill of Hot Wheels, Legos, bibs.
But thank You for this chaos—it means I have four kids.
My front yard isn’t landscaped. It isn’t even mown.
It’s filled with plastic toys and shovels—things that aren’t my own.
It sure won’t win “Yard of the Month”, but I don’t need that anyway.
I thank You for my lived-in yard—my kids have space to play.
There’s so much work I must get done. I do it all, and then
An hour later, it’s a mess, and must be done again.
But Lord, I thank You for the time that I can’t call my own,
The time spent serving others. It means I have a home.
Forgive me, Lord, for asking You for blessings great and small,
Then complaining when I have to clean or take care of them all.
Oh, Lord, the very fact that I always have much to do
Is not a cause for bitterness, but for giving thanks to You.
I see that every chore I have to do reflects Your grace
In blessing me with earthly things until I see Your face.
May I do my work with gratitude for the opportunity,
Seeing in it a chance for joy, and not mere drudgery.
My heart responds in thankfulness for all that You have given.
I’ll serve You by taking care of it ’til You call me to heaven.
Help me serve in such a way that the whole world sees Your dear Son
In my heart and hands and words and work, that to Him, they be won.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friend to Friend Friday

Here I Am

It is so amazing, the Holy Spirit, He allows different words in scripture to mean different things in different circumstances in a believers life, if you listen.  Yesterday, I was listening to one of my favorite radio pastors, Pastor Bob Coy (Calvary Chapel Ft Lauderdale, Florida).

He was talking about the conversion of Saul in Acts 9:1-31, what an amazing transformation!  What an amazing God we have.  What is grand is that I have read this passage over & over before,  but  never  heard. What really struck me is how the Lord spoke to me through this message today.

God spoke to Ananias in a vision, "Ananias!"  "Yes Lord, here I am." Acts 9:10.  

Wow!  During the podcast Pastor Bob Coy focused on "Here I am Lord!"   I did not know that in scripture, "Here I am." is used approx a half dozen or more times by Abraham (Gen 22:1), Esau (Gen 27:1), Jacob (Gen 31:11),  Moses (Exodus 3:4), Samuel ( 1Sam 3:4), Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8), Mary (Luke 1:38) & Ananias (Acts 9:10).

When I looked up these verses,  I realized the Lord was calling to his chosen.  And they were all available!  "Here I am Lord."

I looked at my walk with the Lord and asked myself, "Am I available when the Lord says, "Amanda, Amanda, are you walking with me? are you following me? are you listening to my voice?"

Yes, Lord I'm listening, You chose me, a sinner, not deserving of Your love!  Saved by Grace.  I love you Lord with all my heart, mind & soul...,
Here I Am Lord!


Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Back

Oh my!  I have missed blogging so much!  I changed work places, and my new location did not have WiFi.  I was so bummed because I do all my blogging at work.  But now as of last week WiFi was put in.

And I have to tell you for those who are thinking, "Why isn't she working?"  My job is very easy and unfortunately once I get done with work I have to find things to do. LOL! 

I'm a so blessed & thankful for all the gifts our Father gives to me 

See what kind of love the the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
1JOHN 3:1

Blessing To You