Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Titus 2 Tuesday

Ways to Show Love to a Husband

RESPECT YOUR HUSBAND......ways to "elevated" him.

Appreciate him:
Thank him for what he provides for you and the family.  Teach your children to take care of the things he provides.
Accept him:
You cannot change him.  Celebrate him as he is:  your friend and lover.  Teach your children to honor their father in both their attitudes and actions.
Adapt to him:
You were created to be his helper.  Anticipate his needs and make his priorities and preferences yours.
Adore him:
Prefer him with a loving attitude.  Spoil him with love.  Show him with acts of kindness.

What are not willing to do that he has asked you to?  Pray about it.  Do it if you are able and do it cheerfully.

Listen to him.  Make eye contact; look at him with admiration.  Nod your head and ask him questions. Don't interrupt him or correct him.

At the dinner table, wait for him to answer the children's questions and then don't interrupt or correct him.  This takes special grace from God.

When you have a problem, ask him his advice on what you should do:  listen and do not criticize his answer.  Do what he has suggested since you asked for his input.

When he asked you a question, don't immediately come back with an answer.  Maybe say, "I'm not sure, what do you think?" (This may be hard, since as women we usually have something important to say, but at this time, wait.  Let him think about it).

Do not pick a fight with him, especially before bedtime.  Do not cry to get your way or manipulate him.

Don't nag,  Get off his back and stay on his side.  You are not his Holy Spirit or his mother!

Have a great day!



grey rose (they/them) said...

LOVE thanks for these reminders!
get off his back and stay on his side especially struck me:)

love ya!

Lori said...

Get off his 'back'...
and stay on his 'side'.
Love that!!(easy to understand,hard to do ;)
And they certainly don't need another mother, that's for sure!

Lisa said...

What wonderful reminders, Amanda! I just found your blog and love it! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to stop by and "visit" me sometime. :)
Many blessings!

Kathy said...

These are wise words! I like the 4 A's- appreciate, accept, adapt, adore...easy to remember so I will try to A-pply :)

Kelly said...

I seriously love this. I need these reminders. Thanks for linking up.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to have you as a new follower. I have really enjoyed reading through you posts. Can't wait to see more.

Flor said...

oh man, i know i'm guilty of several of these on a daily basis. thank you so much for these reminders.

Stephanie said...

Such wisdom here and great reminders! Good stuff :)

Denise said...

Great reminders.